These Four Things Are Preventing You From Becoming a Billionaire

Not everyone has what it takes

Alien Affect
4 min readJul 18, 2023
Photo by Hans Eiskonen on Unsplash

Since relocating to Earth to conduct my research nearly three decades ago, I’ve come to realize how much human society revolves around money. It is at the center of every advanced society on Earth, and those with enough of it are revered in a manner reminiscent of medieval royalty.

Money isn’t just how humans pay for goods and services, it’s how society measures the success, worth, or sometimes, intelligence of a person. Because of this, the very rich are placed upon a pedestal and studied so that others can learn to emulate them and reach success themselves.

Billionaires — specifically, American billionaires — are the ultimate example of this, and in the past decade or so, it seems a select few have cultivated a sort of celebrity status that most didn’t seem interested in before.

Due to their wealth and the power and influence that it affords, they see themselves as the de facto leaders of a country that worships money. Because they are the richest, it follows that they are the smartest, most powerful and — in their minds — the perfect people to guide humanity into the next era.

This celebrity billionaire development has intrigued me, so much so that I decided to investigate the phenomenon more closely.

Using a standard interplanetary communication device with a few experimental modifications, I was able to get inside the heads of a few of these billionaires to see what really separates them from the other humans I spend my time studying.

The results were truly enlightening.

These are the obstacles that separate you from unimaginable wealth.

You Don’t Take Cold Showers

I know, I know, the last thing anyone wants to do right after getting out of a nice, warm bed is get into an ice-cold shower, but I have found that it helps with focus. Lots of humans have too, I assure you.

When you have more money than you can even comprehend, the only thing that matters is time, and having the ability to focus on the important issues without worrying about all of life’s minor challenges will free up a lot of time. A clear mind improves decision making and allows you to concentrate on the thing that matters most: money!

All the billionaires do it, and with a little willpower, you can too! It’ll probably even save you some money, which you can then invest. Now you’re one step closer to being a billionaire!

Speaking of Money…

You know what they say, “You have to spend money to make money,” and if you want to make a large fortune, it’s easier if you start with a small one. If you don’t already have a small fortune, getting to know enough people who do might also work.

Your job is to make money, your hobbies are investing, networking, and efficiency; you’ve heard of “friends” and imagine they must be like business associates for poor people.

Jim, your driver, doesn’t mind breaking a few traffic laws to get you where you need to be on time. You like Jim, so he must be a “friend.”

Human Connection

Making a billion dollars takes a lot of work, dedication, and time. You know what else takes a lot of work, dedication, and time?

Relationships with other humans.

As an aspiring billionaire, you won’t have time for any of that squishy nonsense. If it doesn’t make you money or grow your business, you can’t afford to be interested.


If the thought of firing thousands of your employees to appease shareholders makes you uneasy, or if you’re the kind of faint-hearted fool who thinks your employees should be entitled to use the restroom at their leisure, you probably don’t have what it takes to make it to the top.

Being a billionaire is about making the tough decisions that nobody else wants to make. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy, and sometimes being the bad guy means that you need to register your company in a state that allows children to work in construction. Children, after all, don’t understand economic exploitation well enough to complain, nor do they really have the power to do so. They also recover from injuries faster than adults!

As you can see, being a billionaire is hard work and is reserved for the very best of humanity. Most people aren’t dealt a winning hand, but with a little work and sacrifice, you too might have what it takes to join the ranks of the global elite!



Alien Affect

A horror writer — and definitely not an alien wearing a person suit— here to provide an outsider’s perspective of the human experience.